Thursday, September 10, 2009

Road Block

As you see, my co-bloggers are not really helping me :) !

I have hit a wall, a road block, construction has taken over my mind. If you are keeping track, it has been 9 days since I am blogged. So what do I do? What do I give you tonight? For the last few days I have been cooking up a storm, but my mind goes blank when I try to tell you about everything. I have pictures and great recipes from a dinner that I made for my mom's birthday, cooking cinnamon rolls and chocolate silk pie with friends and I even made a awesome, lemony, kick ass cake! So what is going on when I sit down to tell you about it? Can anyone help me!!!

I sometimes wonder if there is anyone out there who cares if I post each week and if or if not you all have something to read or have recipes to make. Are you even out there?
So I asking for help... what helps you out of a funk? What helps you with writer's block? What do you do to clear your mind, clear your thoughts, clear your head?

I am offering up my plight to you. If you are out there, if you actually read my blog, I am asking help. I am asking for you to leave me comments on your ideas, suggestions, and anything else you think might help me. I appreciate any and all help you might give. Thanks!