I really liked Nantucket, it was not at all what I expected. I hated to leave, but leaving on the little itty bitty plane was better than expected, by far...just ask my brother. With paper bag in hand, I boarded the 9 seater with out tears, with out total hysterics, without drugs. I did not use my bag and I actually was able to look around (not behind me) and take some pictures. I still was so claustrophobic and getting into the plane took a few minutes and a little extra breathing.
Coming home is always nice even if you weren't ready to leave. But I am so busy now that I am home, I am working on a Not Just Vanilla surprise. However, the question I always ask myself is... when coming home after a vacation, what do you make for dinner? I ate seafood. Lobster and shrimp, clams and lobster rolls. So now that I am back in the land of meat and potatoes, what am I going to make for dinner?
When I have no ideas, I take to my freezer and my dry ingredient stash, meatloaf is for dinner! I really love meatloaf. Its rich and very fulfilling. The recipe I use makes 1 large loaf and it is chocked full of spice. Most meatloaf I have tried has been dry and tasteless, needing ketchup or gravy, but this recipe is a combination of a few of my favorite flavors and my mom's recipe. It is not dry, but moist, nutty, rich, and very flavorful. I know there really is a season for heavy duty comfort food, but don't you always need some comfort. I cook what I want, not for the season and not necessarily for the weather. If I want to go from clams and lobster to meatloaf and french fries, I will.
The secret ingredient in this great meatloaf is healthy, hearty, and very tasty. If you are trying to hide healthy food into your dinner, this is a great recipe to try.
Damn the Weather
Damn I am Back from Vacation
This recipe is easy to do and you can change or add in some of your favorite ingredient if you wish. Sometimes I make it with roasted onions and garlic or lamb. Enjoy!
2 cup oatmeal, I use old fashioned Quaker Oats, crushed in a food processor for about 1 minute until they are powder like
2 eggs
2 tablespoons ketchup or tomato paste
3/4 cup ketchup: set aside for the end
1 tablespoon Lipton's onion soup mix
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 lb. lean ground beef
1/2 lb. ground sausage or ground turkey
Mix together everything but the meat and additional 3/4 cup of ketchup. I whisk all the wet ingredients into all of the dry ingredients. Add in the meats and using your hands, mix the meat and the spices together lightly. If you over mix the meat if will toughen up. Spray cooking spray into a large loaf pan and put the meatloaf into the pan, try to flatten the bits on top with a damp hand so they do not burn. Bake at 375˚ for 25 to 35 minutes. About 10 minutes before the meatloaf is done, spread the ketchup onto the top of the meatloaf and return it to the oven. I love this part, the ketchup changes and gets glossy. Don't let it burn. Enjoy this meatloaf hot or cold or on the beach. Yum!
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