Gorgeously Green All-Purpose Spray
As most conventional all-purpose sprays are made up of concoction of potentially hazardous chemicals I have chose to make my own. It is ridiculously easy to make and I have two or three large spray bottles on the go, all the time. It's brilliantly effective at cutting grease, germs, and grime; it smells wonderful and will save you a lot of money. You can use this spray on just about everything: fridge, counter tops, walls, do
orknobs (for germs), toilet seat, sinks and so on.
32-ounce plastic spray bottle
2 cups water
/2 cup distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon pure castile soap (peppermint is my favorite)
3/4 cup hydrogen peroxide
20 drops tea tree oil
20 drops lavender or lemongrass essential oil
Simply fill a large 32-ounce plastic spray bottle with the water. Add the vinegar, castile soap, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil and lavender or lemongrass essential oil. Lavender if lovely for the bathroom spray and lemongrass for the kitchen, so make two separate bottles at the same time. In the hot summer months I add about 10 drops of citronella essential oil to the spray, ass it is an excellent insect repellent.
This spray is suitable for acrylic, ceramic tile, wood, marble and granite.
Gorgeously Green 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life, by Sophie Uliano
"If you have time, you may want to save lots of money and make your own cleaning products. It's actually incredibly easy and fun, and it will not make your home look or smell like a dingy hippy commune. I use a mixture of store-bought Eco-cleaners and my own. Most importantly, you can save a lot of money.
Stock your cupboards with the following eight products you can clean just about anything:
- White Vinegar-vinegar deserves a paragraph of its own because it is one of the best cleaners. It can sometimes bring to mind the gloomy Eco-house, but it is so effective that I have gotten over it. I chuck a cup in the main body of the dishwasher for every other cycle and use it as a drain cleaner with boiling water. Drain cleaners are the same as oven cleaners-avoid them. I also clean my washing machine with vinegar (run it through a cycle once a month). Vinegar is also the best window cleaner I have ever found. I have tried every tip and method for my windows. I have a a large picture window in my living room that birds like to use as a bathroom. Everything leaves a smeared effect except a water/vinegar (half and half) solution. I use old rags from torn-up t-shirts. You can also clean our microwave, kettle, eyeglasses and lunch boxes with this wonder substance.
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