Day 2 started off great with a wonderful breakfast at Back on Broaday. We had blueberry pancakes and an egg quasidilla. Mom and I sat on the padio surrounded with with flowers. Then we hit the highway to Santa Barbra and Monticito.

We drove about 2 hours to Santa Barbra. We drove through mountains, by the sea, and we saw tons of fields, including corn fields.
We stoped in Monticito to see shops and stop at a gelato shop we had been to before, But it wasn't there. It was ok, beacause we found Kate's (my) nirvana! The cutest cupcake store, Whodidliy Cupcakes. If you could open up my head, see into my world, I think it would be just like the inside of the cupcake shop. Pink, pretty, unique, and fun!
Not only was it unique, the cupcakes all had one of a kind, fun names like Chocolate Fluff, Birthday Cake, and Sprinkle Sprinkle. Mom and I decided to try the Chocolate Fluff, chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream.
Buttercream is not the word I would use to decribe this creation. Heavnly, creamy, sweet, soft, melts in you mouth and decadant! This is my new favorite place in the world, I hope they ship to Indiana. I especially loved the cupcake toppers, flags, rings, and ballerina figurines and the fact that the candy man song from Willy Wonka was playing in the shop. Over all, the best 15 minutes of this trip and the most wonderful treat I have ever put into my mouth. Thank you Whodidliy!
We continued on to Santa Barbra and wow is it beautiful here. Our hotel is 2 blocks from the water and the air is so clear here. Mom and I walked from our hotel to the beach front, near the pier and coninuted on to State street to where a lot of the shops are.
We stopped at the Enterprise Fish Market for appetizers. Mom and I split the crab cake and fried clams and we had some of the best ice tea I have ever had. The only problem was the crab cake had peppers in it, I am allergic to peppers, luck for me I only had 2 small bites. After our appetizers, we walked up and down, stopping in each shop. I bought a beautiful white shell box with a tiny silver top. We walked back to our hotel, we problely walked for around 2 to 2 1/2 hours total. After retuning to the hotel, mom had found a fish taco (hole-in-the-wall) resturant that we wanted to visit, it was a place Julia Child had eattan there and loved it. However, we couldn't find that resturant, and we wandered into another mexican resturant. It was cute, but I didn't care for my salad, mom did like her salmon.